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Adult Faith Formation
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults - OCIA
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, or OCIA, is a process to bring willing adults into full communion with the Catholic Church. In this process we invite people to meet, know, and follow Jesus Christ. Our goal is to facilitate an encounter with Christ Jesus and to create disciples. In the case of OCIA, we want them to encounter Jesus. We hope to change what, or to whom, people give their hearts, how they spend their time, treasure, and talent.
The three goals of OCIA are:
To educate participants about the Catholic Church
To bring about a full conversion as a follower of Jesus Christ
To become an active member of the Saint Agnes faith community
The OCIA program at Saint Agnes begins with zoom formation sessions beginning in January thru the Easter season.
For more information contact the Religious Education office at 308-635-1362 or Email
Application Form for OCIA
Adult Faith Formation Team: Volunteers will work with director to plan and facilitate opportunities for adults in the parish to continue their personal and communal formation.
Adult Faith Formation Participant: People interested in continued formation in the ways of the Catholic faith and spirituality. Group currently meets at 7 PM on Monday nights in the Garden Room. Some preparation may be required.
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Terri Calvert, MRE
Director of Religious Education
Email Terri