First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation
Children's Sacramental preparation is for those who are seven (7) years of age and older who:
- Are in second grade or older and have not prepared for First Reconciliation (also called Penance or Confession).
- Are in the third grade or older and have not made their First Reconciliation or First Communion.
To get started:
- Become a registered parishioner.
- Attend Sunday Mass at the parish.
- Register for Religious Education
- Email or call the Director of Religious Education for more information.
Preparation Components and Requirements:
- Sunday Mass attendance
- Catechetical formation, either through:
- Saint Agnes Catholic School
- Sunday Saint Agnes Religious Education. Children are expected to attend each Sunday morning session. Multiple missed sessions may delay reception of sacraments.
If a child has had no previous catechetical formation, it is recommended that they participate in formation for at least one year before preparing for any sacrament.
To help children learn the essentials of each sacrament, please review the following First Reconciliation and Holy Communion Family Guide:
For More Information
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Terri Calvert, MRE
Director of Religious Education
Email Terri