2015 Safe Environment Continuing Education
The focus for this year's continuing education for the Safe Environment program is, Creating Connections in Our Faith Environment: Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships.
Safe - Relationships in our faith environments are; safety in numbers, open communication, restricted access, codes of conduct, screened and trained staff and volunteers, supervision, clear rules and expectations, parents are welcome, children educated in right relationships, dignity and respect, all signs of abuse are reported.
Stable - Relationships in our faith environment are the stability of over 2000 years of unchanging truth, unity over place and time, Holy Sanctuary, Sacred Tradition, unfaltering example of love, self-sacrifice, forgiveness, consistency present adults, constant models of faith, regular routine, clear expectations.
Nurturing - Relationships in our faith environment are called to be responsive to the needs of others - for love and justice - healing teachers - inclusive in the way Jesus was - resilience- building - empathic - effective communication - active listening - compassionate - exhibiting gentleness - a living express of God's kindness ...