Valley Christian Neighbors In Need - (VCNIN)
VCNIN is an outreach of St. Agnes Catholic Church.
VCNIN Mission: To improve and enhance the quality of life for people in crisis.
VCNIN History: Recognizing the need in our area VCNIN was formed in 1983 under the direction of Father Robert Karnish. At that time, food and clothing was distributed to those in need with the help of many volunteers, led by Polly Roland and Betty Schmitz. In 1983 Christmas was enhanced for 55 families with the distribution of food baskets.
Who We Help: Individuals and families in crisis. Referrals received from Panhandle Community Services, 3350 N. 10th Street, Gering, NE. In addition, consideration is given on an individual basis to our Catholic brothers and sisters.
How We Help: Distribution of food and blankets from our pantry. Assistance also given for rent, heating, electric, medicine, and gasoline for medically necessary travel.
Christmas Sharing Program: The distribution of food and toys to area families, usually the Sunday before Christmas. The program is coordinated by VCNIN with gifts for children provided by the Knights of Columbus Council 2681 "Toys for Tots" and the First State Bank's "Give of Love" program. Food basket are provided by VCNIN. In 2005 food and gifts were distributed to 136 area families. Families selected in this project are screened through applications to Panhandle Community Services.
For More Information: Contact the Parish Office at 632-2541 or email